What would you do if you lost everything?

What would you do if you lost everything?

It happened to Mat Honan – his entire digital life was destroyed. Read Mat’s story here. Sam Mularczyk created this video for World Backup Day

Are you backing up all your data?

Call us on 07941 208957 and we can discuss how we can provide peace of mind for your critical data – all for less that the price of a cup of coffee a week.

Alternatively – fill in the form to the side and we’ll call you back

PS – We offer a money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied and you cancel within 3 months

Nigel Trasler, Integral Management

Trevor has looked after my companies on line back up facility for the past 3 years. He was a great help when I lost data, I went to his house one Saturday morning and spent a few hours with him restoring the vital data. It’s one of those facilities you are very grateful for when it all goes wrong. A very good business tool. Trevor is a very knowledgeable person to do business with

Nigel Trasler

Julie Langton, True Potential

I would just like to say a big thank you for helping me with the back up service we set up through Network Midlands. My Mac book pro was going very slow over a period of time, and then decided to freeze altogether.

I took it the Apple Store and they did ran some diagnostics, and when I asked what was wrong they said “its complicated”! They then asked if I had a backup service as a cable would have to be replaced and it would then be set back to the factory settings.

I met Trevor through Business Networking in Leicester and listening to his presentations around backing up our computers. He also explained the dire consequences of not doing so if the computer crashed.

I found Trevor really helpful when I had a problem and he took me through the process of getting all of my important data back onto my computer.

Thank you Trevor, I am really relieved that I took your advice and have your Back Up service. Its good to know that in the future if I experience further problems they will easily resolved.

Julie Langton

John Logan, Recognition Express Leicestershire

Being the sole proprietor of a new business involves a lot of planning at all times, but even being organised I knew I needed an a data backup facility requiring minimum effort.

Trevor set up the Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) system on my laptop which backs up my activity daily to an external storage site. I don’t have to remember to do this, and I can tailor which files I want backed up to ensure I stay within my storage limit. I’m alerted to any problems, and Trevor reminds me if I need to housekeep once the limit is reached, plus I can see at a glance if the backup has worked & that the files are retrievable. In short – I can sleep at night!

John Logan

Sue Williams, Select Marketing

Having been one of the unlucky ones that suffered a complete computer crash loosing everything on my hard drives, I decided to look into having my computer backed up remotely.

Trevor Wood, of Network Midlands, suggested Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) and I now have peace of mind that never again will I loose all my documentation, presentations and images. I would highly recommend Clunk Click, its easy to use, backs up every evening and is an inexpensive way of safeguarding my work.

Sue Williams

Sue Grogan, Joined-Up Working

Trevor hosts all my important information on a cloud storagesystem for me. If there’s a problem, which there was at my end acouple of months ago, the system flags this up and then I get a callfrom Trevor. He sorted it out very quickly which was a relief for me! His knowledge of cybersecurity is amazing too, if a little scary………..

Sue Grogan

Karen Chambers, KC Coaching

Having Network Midland’s Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) service for the past few months has been great. Once it’s set up, it automatically backs up the data on my laptop every day so I don’t have to think or worry about it. You don’t even know it’s there as it all happens in the background. Best of all it gives me peace of mind, as losing some of my data could mean losing some of my business. Now that I’ve got it I wouldn’t be without it.”

Karen Chambers

Vicki Boddice – Boddice Accounting

Vicki Boddice

Sarah Bladon, exec:secs

As part of my office management services, I strongly recommend to my clients that they regularly back up their system, however unfortunately I haven’t been practising what I’ve been preaching!

I found that I wasn’t backing up as often as I should because it was such a time consuming process, and I’m sure that many people can identify with that. With Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) it takes all the hassle away because it’s automated, so I can carry on with my work while it whirrs away in the background, and I’m now safe in the knowledge that all my documents are stored elsewhere in case of emergencies.

Sarah Bladon

Brian Gale, Crowhurst Gale

I am writing to say how pleased I am with the installation of the Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) software that you have provided for our business. The integrity of data back-up has been a cause of major concern of mine over the last 12 months as our business has expanded and the knowledge that our vital data is being backed-up securely offsite on a daily basis has taken a large degree of worry away from me.

The installation was very straight forward and the monthly costs are reasonable and I would certainly recommend this product to any business that is reliant upon the safe keeping and retention of electronic data.

Brian Gale

Sandra Whiles – ICF Professional Certified Coach

I’ve had a few fairly major IT challenges this week. Made me really miss the ICT support that I used to take for granted when I worked in an organisation. This made me realise the wisdom of my decision, not long after I started my business, of investing in a daily automatic file back up service with Trevor Wood at Network Midlands. Trevor has been a real star in guiding me through the process of safely getting all my files back onto my Macbook. If you are looking for help around file back up and PC security issues, Trevor is well work chatting to. He talks like a normal person, not an IT alien!

Sandra Whiles

Sandra Whiles – ICF Professional Certified Coach

As a small business it’s really important that I have secure back up for my documents. I’ve been working with Trevor at Network Midlands for a couple of years now using his cloud back up service. Trevor is really helpful at advising on technical issues – recently moved from a desktop pc to a Mac laptop- and Trevor talked me through the necessary changes Great service, good value, peace of mind.

Sandra Whiles

Sheena Adam, Children First Family Mediation

We are a medium sized charity who wanted secure off site back up which would work in an easy and cost effective way as we have no real technical experts on site.

Clunk Click (now called Redstore Backup Pro) fits the bill very well. It was easy to install; we can choose and change which folders etc we want included in the backup and it is set to take place automatically each day.

Trevor was very helpful with the setup and more recently when we moved offices and had some teething problems linked to a slightly different IT setup.

The support, simplicity and low cost make this an ideal solution for our service where secure data is essential

Sheena Adam